Artwork of Caitlin Frown
May 20, 2022 - July 30, 2022
Friday, May 20, 2022 - 5:30 pm - 7:30pm
Meet the Artist Opening Reception
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 10 am - 12 pm
Miniature Spaces: Family Workshop
Thursday, July 14, 2022 - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Embroidered Felt Portrait Workshop
A colorful and dreamy exploration of the phrase "its so nice to see you" through real and imagined vignettes. Using paper maché, cyanotype, photographs, embroidery and miniatures this show explores the duality of the phrase and its sometimes humorous use.
With this exhibition Caitlin wanted to evoke a feeling of enveloping color, imagination, and intrigue while exploring the phrase “It’s so nice to see you!” It is one people often use without a thought to the duality and humor it contains. She created real and imagined vignettes of scenarios that could evoke this expression.
It’s a phrase you might even use twice in one day conjuring up highly differing emotions each time, an early morning dentist appointment begins with a begrudging “It’s so nice to see you!” as does a dreaded meeting with your boss, while seeing a dear friend or loved one later on may elicit a genuine, warm “it was so nice to see you!” Upon closer inspection of the exhibition you will see hidden mirrors throughout the scenes to play upon the concept of seeing and imagining oneself in these scenarios.
As a child Caitlin inherited a lifetimes collection of vintage craft and sewing supplies from her grandmother, and she is still using those same supplies and similar found items from Resource Depot to create these pieces. Though she studied illustration, Caitlin is often looking for ways to combine many medias and art forms. She draws inspiration from everyday life- odd chance encounters, weird signs on the side of the road, quiet places, and Florida wildlife.
About the Artist

Caitlin Frown is a 27 year old contemporary mixed media artist and illustrator based in West Palm Beach. She studied illustration and fine arts at Lesley University College of Art and Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts but has been creating art most of her life. Color, humor, and imagination are key to her works. Ranging in material from cyanotype to paper mache, embroidery, miniatures, and photography. Her inspiration is drawn from every day life. She has three cats who often help her in the studio .
Visit her Website: https://www.cfrown.com/