Opening Reception - Meet the Artist
Friday, September 22, 2023 - 5-7pm
Artist Workshop: Studio Marathon with Amy S. Broderick
October 13-15, 2023
Family Workshop: Paper Weaving
Saturday, November 4, 2023 - 10am-12pm
This work invites viewers to consider the potential in the everyday. Ordinary moments often have sliver of beauty embedded in them, something wondrous peeking through if we view things at the right angle. Ordinary objects have parallel potential, always at hand and ready to reimagined. Creative work has the power to transform us, and this work is an invitation to rediscover the potential in the everyday materials already at your fingertips. What wonderful worlds can be made when you rediscover the everyday and transform it?
Amy S. Broderick uses forgotten photographs, discarded office supplies, found atlases, and related ephemera to make complex paper compositions. She cuts and weaves each page by hand to make elaborate layered structures and images. Her process marks time’s passing, as forgotten slivers of other people's daily lives coalesce to tell new tales. The resulting work invites viewers to imagine a space where obsolescence and disconnection become the warp and weft of new territories.

About the Artist
Amy S. Broderick is Associate Professor of Drawing and Painting and Director of the Studio Foundations Program at Florida Atlantic University. In her studio work, she uses the processes of drawing, photography, and paper construction to note the specific topography of everyday life. Amy has exhibited her work in over 150 exhibitions since 2019, most recently in the solo exhibition, Ledger & Loom, at the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County. Amy was born and raised in Virginia Beach. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the College of William and Mary, and she earned her MFA in Painting from Maryland Institute College of Art, where she studied with Grace Hartigan.
Website: https://www.amybroderick.com/
40% of artwork sales goes to support our education programs. For information on purchasing a piece please contact
Chelsea Odum - codum@resourcedepot.org
GalleRE Hours:
Tuesdays - Thursdays: 11 am - 5 pm | Saturdays: 9 am- 2 pm
*Also open during special events.
The GalleRE at Resource Depot supports and exhibits local and regional artists that incorporate the reuse of materials into various art forms, elevating creative reuse and upcycling as a relevant art medium. Our GalleRE Program educates and engages our community while promoting new ways of thinking about art and the environment through educational stARTer program kits, workshops and discussions.