At Resource Depot, we believe EVERY DAY
presents an opportunity to protect our planet.
That’s why we’re launching a special campaign to make an impact—one dollar at a time.
Your $1 a day helps us...
Save over 1,000,000 pounds of materials from the waste stream, turning trash into art, education, and innovation.
Support teachers and students by providing supplies for sustainable learning programs.
Ensure access to creativity and sustainability for low-income families and underserved communities.
Protect the environment by reducing waste and encouraging smarter consumption.
Payment automatically renews each month/year. Cancel at anytime to stop recurring payments.
$365 for Change - Annual
Every year
$365 for Change - $1/day
Every month
Join us in making every day Earth Day.
Your contribution of just $1 a day makes an enormous difference in the fight for a sustainable future.
Together, we can inspire creativity, education, and conservation.
Interested in making a one-time donation of a different amount?
Please use the form below.